Gut health
How to prevent intestinal diseases in goats and sheep and promote stomach health – Act now and inform!
How to prevent intestinal diseases in goats and sheep and promote stomach health – Act now and inform!
Gastrointestinal diseases, which are often associated with diarrhea, are very feared in goats and sheep because of their often extreme, sometimes even fatal course. In order to maintain a stable intestinal microbiome and prevent these diseases, the rumen function of the small ruminants must be perfect, since the milieu in the intestine is inevitably changed if the function of the rumen is disturbed.
The supply of high-quality feed is a basic requirement here. Compared to other livestock species, small ruminants are highly endangered by endoparasites such as roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms, coccidia, cryptosporidia and liver flukes. Severe infections can lead to the death of the host animals and are always accompanied by economic losses due to reduced fattening gains, reduced milk yield and qualitative and quantitative wool deficiencies.
In sheep and goat farming, the age of the animals suffering from diarrhea often gives an indication of the type of pathogen or the cause. While it is mostly bacteria, viruses or unicellular parasites (especially cryptosporids) that are involved here in newborn lambs or kids, coccidia are often responsible for diarrhea in young animals. From the age of about 4 weeks, coccidia lead to pasty diarrhea and, depending on the intensity of infestation, to growth depression and developmental losses. Older animals are often affected by diarrhea due to a change in feed (typically when they go out to pasture in spring) – sometimes with serious consequences: due to the change in the intestinal environment in goat husbandry, there is the possibility that clostridia, which produce a toxin, can multiply excessively, which leads to porridge kidney disease – can lead to acute poisoning of the animal when keeping goats. Brein kidney disease causes serious consequences in the animal and often ends in rapid death.
The more constant and stable the gut microbiome, the lower the risk of Clostridium perfringens gaining the upper hand. For this reason, it is immensely important to change the feeding of sheep and goats slowly and gradually. In addition, a deworming program should be considered as a preventive measure in order to prevent or minimize the infestation with endoparasites as far as possible. In addition, it is recommended to use additives that stabilize the stomach health and the intestinal microbiome to promote the vitality and performance of the sheep and goats.
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