DOSTO® bi-active combines rumenavailable oregano oil, which has a positive effect on microbial fermentation in the rumen, with encapsulated oregano oil, which is available in the intestine, stabilizing its function and reducing pathogens.
Numerous studies in dairy cows have shown the positive effect of DOSTO® bi-active on milk production and composition, reduction of somatic cell count and health problems such as ketosis.
Field Study
This field trial was carried out in the North-West of France with Alpine and Saanen dairy goats and shows the effects of 6 grams DOSTO® TMR bi-active per head per day. The average milk yield is 850 kg per lactation with an average of 425 animals per farm.
The goats are fed hay and/or straw silage, mineral feed and 400-600 g protein concentrate per day during lactation.
Concept with DOSTO® TMR bi-active
- 6 g DOSTO® TMR bi-active per goat per day

Milk Components
Comparing the average milk fat and protein levels from the trial period with the data from the same months (March and May) of the previous year (2022), it was observed that the milk fat and protein levels were significantly higher during the period when DOSTO® TMR bioactive was fed (Table 1 and 2). These results are consistent with those obtained in dairy cows. These data also showed higher fat contents of up to 0.2%.
The increase in milk constituents is probably due to the fact that oregano oil has a strong modifying effect on rumen microorganisms. This leads to a shift in the volatile fatty acid pattern and an increase in rumen VFA, improved digestibility and ultimately an increase in milk constituents. The increase in rumen VFA makes more energy available to the animal. The increase in milk constituents plays an important role especially in the management of ketosis and during the summer months when milk constituents tend to decrease.

Somatic Cell Counts
The reduction in somatic cell counts in the milk was also comparable to the results from trials with DOSTO® bi-active in dairy cows. Figure 1 clearly shows how the average somatic cell count decreased from the beginning of the trial: from almost 2 million somatic cells in January, the SCC decreased to less than 1 million in March.
Normally, somatic cells in milk increase during feeding stress. However, during this period SCC did not increase, possibly due to the addition of DOSTO® TMR bi-active. This effect is probably due to the modulating effect of oregano in the ruminant gut. A healthy gut has a major influence on the immune system and the animal’s resistance to, for example, mastitis pathogens and other pathogenic bacteria.